How to Make Your Hotel and Destination Social Media Content Feel Authentic

A woman inside a car, holding a phone in her hand, reached out the car window to capture or record the road in front of them.

“The last decade of social media was all about being polished and put together, aspirational and inspiring. Now, everyone’s sick of it.”


hat’s a quote from a recent Crowdriff report — and it’s pretty direct. If you’ve observed social media from a consumer perspective lately, though, it’s obvious: Perfect is out. Authentically imperfect is in.

The new authenticity standard has become expected across most age groups, but the concept took off largely thanks to Gen Z, 73% of whom say that they prefer to shop from brands with experiences that “inspire and delight.” This rings especially true in the crowded landscape of hotels and destinations, where offering the finest linens, award-winning meals, or unparalleled views won’t cut it anymore.

Don’t misunderstand — those amenities are still important, straightforward paid ads still have an essential part to play in your overall marketing mix, and not every property caters to the 27-and-under crowd. But the travel market is crowded, and social media is ripe with opportunities for hotels and destinations to create genuine relationships with potential travelers.

We put together some ideas for connecting with savvy, discerning, modern travelers on social media who prefer real, unfiltered experiences:

1. Embrace User-Generated Content (UGC)

UGC, content created by guests who want to share their travel experiences on social media, is near the top of the list for authentic content. These photos and videos are usually captured via smartphone, feature real people, and offer candid views and opinions on the property that viewers trust. When harnessed to its full capability, UGC is a powerful tool for luxury hotels and destinations. This type of content serves as a powerful word-of-mouth endorsement and goes a long way toward showing potential guests that your property delivers the experience they’re seeking.

Ideas and Inspiration

  • Create a branded hashtag: A unique, catchy hashtag encourages guests to tag your property in their posts. This also makes it easier for your marketing team to find and share UGC. (One caveat: Research hashtags before using them to make sure they’re not either tied to something untoward or have the potential to be read incorrectly.)
  • Showcase diverse perspectives: Highlight UGC from various types of guests — families, couples, solo travelers, and business travelers — to paint a full picture of the experiences your property offers.
  • Incentivize UGC: Encourage guests to share their experiences by offering incentives like discounts, complimentary upgrades, or entry into a contest. Make sure to ask for permission before reposting, and always credit the original creator. (For more resources on making sure you’re approaching UGC legally and ethically, read our usage guide.)

2. Tell Genuine Stories

As a marketer, you can use the power of storytelling to not only craft an enticing story about your property but also give potential guests a true feel for what it’s like to stay with you. From the history of your building to local lore and staff experiences, there are endless stories waiting to be told — your job is to find and share them in a way that will resonate authentically with your target audience. Presenting your offerings as a story vs. a list of facts also elevates your content by adding depth and a personal touch.

Ideas and Inspiration

  • Feature your employees: Introduce your audience to the people who make their stay special. Share the journey of your chef — like this Reel from Wentworth by the Sea — the experience of your concierge, or the story of your housekeeping staff. Authentic stories about real people humanize your brand and help guests feel at home, especially if they recognize someone from your content. (As a bonus, imagine how special and valued your employees would feel after being recognized on social media..)
  • Highlight local culture and heritage: Dive into the history, culture, and traditions of your surrounding area. This not only educates your audience but also positions your property as an integral part of the local community.
  • Share guest experiences: Ask guests to tell stories about their unique experiences during their stay with you. This serves as a great first-person recommendation, and the information can be used across multiple formats, including video and print.

3. Show Behind-the-Scenes Content

One of the best ways to show authenticity on social media is to share what goes on behind the scenes of running your hotel or resort. From peeks behind the curtain to blooper reels, #bts content makes viewers feel like VIPs with exclusive access. Vertical, short-form videos that serve as property tours or on-the-spot interviews give travelers an authentic look at the property and what happens there. It also helps showcase the effort and care that goes into creating a luxury experience for guests.

Ideas and Inspiration

  • Daily operations: Share candid moments from the daily life of your hotel — morning rituals, preparations for events, or your meticulous housekeeping routine.
  • Event preparations: Take viewers along as you prepare for a special event, like a wedding or a conference. This is a great way to show off your strengths in both creativity and operations.
  • Seasonal changes: Create and share timely seasonal content, such as updating menus or redecorating spaces. This can create a sense of excitement and anticipation for guests planning to visit during a particular time of year.

4. Leverage Real-Time Engagement

Engagement is a two-way street, and the best social media strategies involve real-time interaction with your audience. This shows that your brand is attentive, responsive, and genuinely interested in your guests’ experiences. It’s also a great way to build community, trust, and loyal followers — both online and off.

Ideas and Inspiration

  • Go live: Use platforms like Instagram Live or Facebook Live to give tours of your property, host Q&A sessions with your staff, or broadcast events as they happen. Live content is inherently less scripted and polished, which adds to its authenticity. Just be sure to keep an eye on the comments and answer questions as you go.
  • Respond, respond, respond: Reply to comments, mentions, and messages in real-time (or as close to real-time as possible). Address questions, thank guests for their positive feedback, and handle complaints with grace and professionalism.
  • Create interactive content: Instagram Stories offer features like polls, questions, and quizzes that allow you to engage directly with your audience. This is a great way to boost engagement, but there’s an even bigger benefit: First-hand, valuable insights from your ideal audience about their preferences.

5. Go Easy on the Editing

Visual content is the backbone of social media, especially for luxury hotels and destinations. However, there’s a fine line between showcasing your property in its best light and over-editing your visuals to the point where they no longer look real. (If you’ve ever looked at real estate listings for a home only to find that the actual house doesn’t look anything like the photos, you know what a letdown that can be.)

Ideas and Inspiration

  • Go natural: Use natural lighting and real settings for your photos. Avoid excessive filters or Photoshop. The goal is to showcase your property as it truly is — beautiful, welcoming, and luxurious, but still real.
  • Candid moments: Instead of staged photos, capture candid moments. A family enjoying a meal, a couple relaxing by the pool, or a guest taking in a sunset from their balcony — all of these evoke positive emotion and authenticity.
  • Highlight imperfections: Don’t be afraid to show the human side of your property. A child spilling a drink at dinner for kid-friendly properties, a chef’s flour-dusted apron, or even a rainy day scene can add character to your content and make it more relatable.

6. Tap Into Micro-Influencing

According to recent research, 61% of Gen Z-ers and Millennials say they trust influencers, but the people they follow are not necessarily the most well-known creators. In fact, just over half of the influencers listed as favorites among Gen Z were unique to one person.

This trend toward favoring creators with smaller audiences is called micro-influencing, and what it’s shown over the past year or so is that influencer marketing is more about quality over quantity. Travelers are drawn to influencers who are relatable to them, whether they have 3 million followers or 3,000. Once again, Gen Z leads the trend, with half of this age group saying influencer recommendations are a “critical factor” in their purchasing decisions.

Ideas and Inspiration

  • Choose your advocates carefully: Partner with influencers who have a genuine connection to your property or destination. They should share your brand’s values and have an authentic following that trusts their recommendations.
  • Develop long-term partnerships: Instead of one-off collaborations, consider building long-term relationships with influencers. This allows them to experience your property over time and provide more in-depth, genuine content.
  • Stop worrying about followers: Micro-influencers may have smaller followings but often have higher engagement rates and more trust from their audience. They can be especially effective in niche markets, like bed and breakfasts or unique destinations.

Creating authentic social media content for luxury hotels and destinations is an art that balances transparency, engagement, and storytelling. It requires moving beyond the polished, staged images that dominate the industry and embracing the real, the raw, and the relatable.

Our team of experts can help you create a social media presence that resonates deeply with today’s discerning travelers. Let’s talk.


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